Jake Jordan report July 26-30
Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing School” Report
26-30, 2019
July 26, 2019:
Danny Cline arrived at my condo at 2:00 pm
today to begin his second Costa Rica Blue Marlin fly fishing School, of this
season. We had a late lunch at the Parrot Restaurant then after a swim in my
pool went to bed early.
July 27, 2019:
We rested up, rigged our fly tackle then
had lunch at the Hook-up restaurant. I have been working on my computer, trying
to get the corrupted files out of my OneDrive account, unsuccessfully. At 4:00
pm we arrived at the marina where Captain James Smith with Mates Berto and
Bernie had the awesome vessel “Dragin Fly” provisioned, full of fuel and ready
to head out on our adventure. We pulled teasers until dark but raised no fish.
At 7:00 pm Bernie served us fried chicken and then we went to bed at 8:00 pm.
July 28, 2019:
We woke at 5:30 and smelled the coffee
brewing, still 13 miles to the FAD which we are going to fish. Cleaned up, put
on sunscreen, got dressed came out to dead calm seas, blue skies, sunshine, 5
knot wind, and 84-degree water temperature. Sausage, eggs, and pancakes were
served as our breakfast, then at 7:00 am we raised our first Blue Marlin of the
day, it did not bite. Our next fish came in at 7:28 but would not tease, then
at 7:40 Danny got his first bite. It was a big fast Blue Marlin that
pulled off 400 yards than jumped 3 times before breaking the 20-pound test
class tippet. At 7:54 we raised another Blue Marlin which did not even look at
Danny’s fly. Next fish came in hot at 8:15 before it got to the fly it ate the
big teaser and jumped over the fly and was gone. At 8:24 a 175-pound Blue ate
Danny’s fly and put on quite a show, Danny Caught and released that fish at
9:02 am.
Our next Blue Marlin was at 9:15 we raised
a double, the 350-pound fish ate my fly, ran 30 feet and dropped the fly, I
wound it in and made another cast this time a red hot 150-pound Blue ate my
fly. After 45 minutes Berto grabbed the leader and we released our second Blue
Marlin of the day. At 10:15 I got out my Axiom LLC rod and Atoll fly Reel and
Danny Caught 6, 3 to 5-pound yellowfin tuna for lunch. At 10:38 Danny hooked a
great, red hot, Blue marlin, I counted 47 jumps before we got the leader, then
while Berto was trying to release that marlin it jumped 9 more times before we
got the hook and fly back and released the marlin. At 10:50 am we raised a
marlin that tried but missed the fly. At 11:05 Danny pulled the hook on a big
marlin, and then at 11:50 we raised a Blue Marlin that did not tease in for a
bite. At 12:40 we raised a double, they swam around the fly, which I recasted 5
times, they would not eat a fly? At 12:50 we raised a marlin that did not tease
then at 12:55 I hooked a hot 200-pound Blue. I fought that fish for 12 minutes
and I was 6 inches away from catching that marlin, when it went straight down
12 feet, turned toward me and shook it’s head and we all saw the fly and hook
come out of that marlins mouth and he was gone. This is truly a game of inches.
At 1:14 and 1:21 we raised 2 separate marlin that would not tease in for a
bite. At 2:05 we raised another fish that did not bite. We raised another
marlin at 2:40, no bite. We changed to a Blue and white fly and then we raised
fish at 3:00, 3:15, and 3:35. This is crazy, these marlin are swimming around
the flies but will not bite??? Back to pink & white fly, and drink some
rum, we will see? 4:01 marlin raised however there was no tease. 5:31 raised a
marlin with no bite. At 6:00 pm we have raised 26, got 7 bites and only caught
3 Blue Marlin on fly. At 6:15 pm as it got dark, we quit fishing and the crew
deployed the sea anchor. Bernie prepared tenderloin steak with mashed potatoes
with a little ice creams for dessert. At 7:30 the squid showed up by the
hundreds, Berto and James caught a five-gallon bucket full in about 15 minutes,
fresh calamari for lunch tomorrow. At 8:00 pm we were exhausted and ready to

July 29, 2019:
We awoke this morning at 5:00 am.
Breakfast was sausage, cheese, eggs, bacon, coffee, and bacon. We raised a
sailfish at 6:00 am but it did not bite, then we raised a Blue Marlin, it tried
to eat the fly but got it stuck on the bill, ran 50 feet and the fly fell off.
At 6:25 I cast to a big Blue that ate my fly and put on a spectacular jumping
show, at 6:54 we released that 300+ pound Monster, (This is my biggest Marlin
of the season, well over the world record). At 7:05 Danny hooked a hot fish
that jumped in a big circle around the boat then reversed direction, jumped,
and broke the 20-pound class tippet. At 7:12 am Danny hooked a hot
250-pound Blue Marlin, he almost got it 6 different times but that big fish
would not give up. Finally, at 8:01 am an exhausted Danny Cline caught &
released that exhausted 250-pound Blue Marlin. Our next fish teased in at 8:30
am, looked at the fly but would not bite. At 8:46 I hooked a 200+ pound Blue
Marlin, this fish stayed on top and jumped over 50 times, never went deep, at
9:14 am Berto got the fly back and we had released our third Blue Marlin of the
morning. 9:28 am Danny hooked a 150-pound Blue Marlin, it fought hard and deep
but at 9:59 am Danny wound it into the Rod tip and Berto got the fly back and
released our fourth Blue of the day. 10:19 raised a Blue That did not tease. At
12 noon as Bernie served an exquisite lunch of fresh calamari sauté in butter,
garlic, salt and pepper, along with rice & beans, with a fresh lettuce and
tomato salad, I noticed the sun was gone and it became overcast. The air
temperature dropped from the low 90s to about 82 degrees, the water temperature
remains at 84 degrees, however there is no wind and calm seas. At 3:45 pm there
is a 10-knot wind with a one to two-foot chop on the water, we have not seen a
fish in 5 1/2 hours, still marking fish and bait on the fish finder, they
stopped eating. Finally, at 4:36 we raised a Blue Marlin, it didn’t tease in.
So, at 6:00 pm it got dark and the crew deployed the sea anchor, our score
today was: Raised 11, got 6 bites, and caught 4 Blue Marlin on fly. Dinner
tonight was grilled chicken breast, with mixed veggies, very good, went to bed
at 8:00 pm. For first two days we raised 37, got 13 bites, and caught 7 Blues.

July 30, 2019:
Danny Cline and I awoke at 4:45 am when
Captain James started the engines and the crew pulled the sea anchor. By 5:30
we had the teasers out and we were fishing. The wind came up overnight and we
are now fishing in 2 to 4-foot seas with a short chop. At 7:15 we have not
raised a fish.
Then at 7:27 am we raised a 200+ pound
Blue Marlin which ate my pink & white “JJ large tube marlin popper fly” and
it took off running and jumping. At
8:01 am this exhausted fly angler wound
the leader into the tip-top of my TFFO BW-HD fly rod, then Berto grabbed the
leader, removed the hook and fly, then let that marlin go. At 8:19 we raised a
marlin that tried to eat Danny’s fly, it was hooked on the bill and after 30
feet the hook fell off. At 8:25 and 8:30 we raised marlin that would not bite
than at 9:34 Danny hooked a hot Blue Marlin, and at 9:59 Danny released that
140-pound marlin. At 10:02, and 10:14 we raised marlin that did not bite
then at 10:35 we raised a marlin that did not tease, it is raining and
overcast, there are storms to the west of us. We had fresh sweet pineapple and
watermelon as an early snack, then at 11:00 Bernie served special tuna
carpaccio, it was awesome! At 12:00 noon we pulled in the teasers and Captain
James shoved the throttles down and headed to another FAD 46 miles away. Bernie
served us fresh calamari for lunch while we were traveling, then at 2:00 pm we
arrived at a FAD where it was calm and sunny. The teasers were deployed at
2:05 pm and never raised a fish, at 4:15 pm we began trolling and raised a
Striped Marlin that did not eat, we continued the 98 miles toward home.
Then at 6:15 we quit fishing, ate a great dinner, had fun discussing this
wonderful adventure and went to bed at 8:00 pm Our total score today was as
follows: we raised 8 Blue Marlin, 1 Striped Marlin, we got 3 bites, of which we
caught and released 2 hot Blue Marlin.

Our total score for this my seventh “Costa
Rica Blue Marlin fly fishing School” of this season was: we raised 45 Blue
Marlin, 1 Striped Marlin, we got 16 of the Blues to bite our flies, we caught
and released 9 Blue Marlin on this trip. Remember we only fly fish, using IGFA
rules of fly fishing, all fish are caught using 20-pound test breaking strength
IGFA class tippets (leaders)!
We arrived back at my condo in Los Suenos
early in the morning, relaxed, had great meals and drank some 25-year-old Flor
de Cana Rum, then packed for our trip to the US early on August first. Danny is
heading home to West Virginia while I will be attending a meeting at TFO rods
in Dallas on August 2 & 3, instead of fly fishing for marlin!! I will be
back home in Los Suenos on August 4 for my next “Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly
Fishing School” beginning on August 5.
I love My Job,
wish you were here to experience the best fly fishing for Blue Marlin “EVER”.
Stay tuned for more reports to follow shortly. I still have a couple of dates
available during August and September, give me a call if you can make it.
#draginflycostarica #tforods #makoreels
#cortlandlines #fishseigler #jake_jordan_fishing
Jake Jordan’s Fishing Adventures
PO Box 309,
Havelock, NC 28532
July sea mount trip
flight into San Jose, Costa Rica was uneventful, and Jake’s driver was waiting
for us outside the airport exit. He drove us down the mountains to a beautiful
enclave perched on the Pacific Coast. Los Suenos is a planned community,
surrounded by lush palm groves with residential, retail and fine dining
centered around a beautiful resort with large marina and a Jack Nicklaus
designed golf course. We gave our names to security and entered a gated
community. Jake was waiting to greet us. Tile floors, ten foot ceilings and
handsome furnishings create living accommodations that are comfortable to say
the least. Jake showed Elizabeth and I to our rooms and invited us to change
into our bathing suits and relax by his infinity pool. Overlooking the Marriot
Hotel complex with a view of the Pacific Ocean, we decompressed in the pool
from a day of travel. That evening Jake took us to dinner at a local seafood
restaurant: octopus sautéed in garlic, fresh tuna and deep fried snapper.
Saturday was a beautiful day. Jake gave us a personal tour of the entire resort
and then showed us a local town named Jaco and the famous surfing beach at
Playa Hormosa. Jake capped off the day by taking us to The Bamboo Asian
Restaurant in the Los Suenos Marina Complex. The fresh seafood was again
spectacular. Sunday morning we rose to delicious Cost Rican coffee with real
cream and discussed our afternoon departure on Dragin Fly. Jake explained
everything we needed to know about casting flies to Marlin and fighting these
magnificent fish to a successful release. At 4:45 Jake drove us to the marina.
Berto, Danny and Bernie, mates on the Dragin Fly, introduced themselves and
took our bags. We stepped onto the 42’ Maverick and were greeted by James, one
of the premier billfish fly fishing captains in the world. A large man with a
calm demeaner and a warm smile, James instills confidence. James showed us
around our home for the next three days and made sure we knew how to work the
facilities and where we would be sleeping. Our bunks were spacious and
comfortable. We stowed our bags and went up to the saloon to get comfortable.
James cranked up the powerful engines, Jake wished us good luck and the mates
casted off the lines. At 5 pm, the Dragin Fly headed out into the Pacific
Ocean. The sky looked threatening. Dark clouds were overhead and outside the
cove we encountered a light chop. Inside the saloon, Bernie served us a
beverage and prepared a light supper of chicken quesadillas. Bedtime followed
soon after dark. Elizabeth and I each had a large berth to stretch out on. The
air-conditioning was turned to 68 and we had clean sheets and warm blankets.
James was on the bridge, guiding the Dragin Fly out to the FADs. We would awake
at dawn, 90 miles off the coast of Costa Rica and start fishing. Mother nature
had other plans. We could hear rain drops hitting the skylight above our head.
Random flashes of lightening became rapid and then thunder started booming.
Five of us were laying down in our bunks around the boat, assuming everyone
else was sleep. We all laughed about the storm the next day. We could feel the boat
gliding across the waves, occasionally hitting a big wave that made the boat
shudder. The lightening became so intense that the skylights were flashing like
disco balls. The rain, pelting the boat and the thunder booming above us
continued for about three hours. James was on the bridge all night, skillfully
driving the boat through the storm. During the last few hours of darkness, the
storm died out and we managed to get some sleep. As soon as dawn broke, we were
awakened by the powering down of the engines and the preparations of the mates
for a day of fishing. Coffee was brewing in the galley as the teasers were
being deployed off the stern. The coffee tasted great as did our breakfast.
Little did we expect that today would be an epic day of fly fishing for Blue
Marlin aboard the Dragin Fly. The fishing actually started off slow. Our first
fish raised was about 90 minutes after dawn. Then the fish came in faster and
more aggressive. Every time we finished fighting a fish and deployed the
teasers again, we had another Marlin in the spread. Sometimes it was two or
three Marlin. They attacked the teasers; they attacked our flies. Several just
raced through the spread of teasers, then under the boat not to be seen again.
Did I mention that the fish were hot? The mates are expert at teasing the fish
up to the transom. That day, the Marlin were not shy about taking the fly. Blue
Marlin characteristically raise up, with the tops of their heads slightly out
of the water to pounce on the fly. These big beautiful fish are graceful and
fast. With the pink and white fly in their mouths, they become unpredictable.
Lightening fast, they jet ski away from the boat, pulling line off the Mako
9700 fly reels so fast that any misplaced fingers will feel the sting of the handle.
Then in an instant, they turn and jump clear out of the water, or dive, only to
surface in a series of jumps on the other side of the boat. Sometimes they peel
off 500 yards of line in what seems like seconds, headed toward the horizon.
Angler error usually results in a broken tippet. Back and forth from the port
side aft to the starboard side aft and then back again. James keeps the boat
positioned properly with respect to the Marlin. The adrenalin and excitement of
being connected to these amazing fish, by a thin fly line, is what we do this
for. Graceful, powerful and dangerous, these 200-pound, silver and blue rockets
are built for speed. Occasionally a Blue Marlin decides to come across the top
of the water aiming right at the boat. People who know better take cover when
one of these missiles takes aim at the cock pit. We had non-stop action under
dark skies until the raindrops started to fall. We put on our rain gear and
continued to fish. The Marlin didn’t seem to mind the weather, so neither did we.
Like children playing in the rain, we laughed and screamed through an hour of
an absolute downpour. When the rain subsided, we took off our rain gear and
continued like the storm never happened. As the light waned and the fragrance
of dinner drifted out of the cabin, we took stock of the day. Thirty-one Blue
Marlin raised, elven released. My daughter, Elizabeth, who had asked for this
trip to celebrate her recent graduation from the business school of the
University of Pittsburgh, had released her first Blue Marlin on fly. She also
released her fifth. We settled into the saloon and ate one of Bernie’s fine
meals: pasta with a creamy shrimp sauce. The mates put out the sea anchor and
we were all asleep before long. Our second day was more of the same, although
at a slower pace and without the weather. Six releases equally divided between
Elizabeth and me. For a rookie, she had picked up the sport of Marlin on fly
rather quickly. God given talent for sure, but also a healthy dose of Jake’s
coaching stayed with her throughout the trip. By the third day, the Blue Marlin
seemed to be worn out. Lethargic and sloppy, they refused the fly or made
halfhearted attempts to eat. Only one good bite at the end of the day. We
enjoyed another great dinner as the Dragin Fly headed back to Los Suenos. We
would get some much needed sleep. A following current cut our running time down
by three hours. At 3:30 am the Dragin Fly reached it’s slip and there was Jake,
all smiles, to bring us back to his condo. We said goodbye to Captain James,
clearly a man at the top of his profession. Danny was smiling and
congratulating us on our success. Berto took time out from his chores to shake
hands and give hugs. Bernie rushed up from down below to thank us. Elizabeth
and I both knew that we were in the company of incredibly capable and talented
people who perform at the top of their profession. They are a team; Jake’s team
and an excellent team at that. We thank them for giving us a once in a lifetime
experience…at least until next summer!

at Jake’s condo we caught a few more hours of sleep and enjoyed a leisurely
breakfast prepared by Jake. We recounted all the details we could remember,
even though Jake seemed to know everything that happened. As I write my
thoughts on Jake’s computer, Elizabeth and Jake are sound asleep. 1 am is a
peaceful time and a good time to reflect. This has been a terrific adventure
and good father – daughter bonding experience. Elizabeth and I will cherish
these memories forever. Jake is my friend. He has been good to both my daughters
and they appreciate him. Thank you; Jake. I owe it all to you. Your friend,