four more fly rod blue marlin
Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing” Report, June 23-28, 2019
June 23, 2019: Danny Cline, my
friend and client from West Virginia arrived at my condo in Los Suenos at 2:30
today. This week will be his first of two “Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing
School” trips to fly fish for Blue Marlin on the FAD’s here in Costa Rica. We
swam in my pool, used the hot tub took a nap, and ordered dinner from the
Hook-up delivered to the condo. We went to sleep by 9:00 pm.
June 24,2019: Breakfast at Hook-Up at 8:00
am then 30 minutes in the hot tub before 4 hours in my office catching up on
business and phone calls. Danny and I packed, I checked out and rigged tackle,
and then we had a late lunch. At 2:45 pm we arrived at the vessel “Dragin Fly”
at the Los Suenos Marina where Captain James Smith along with mates Berto and
Bernie had the boat running and ready to depart. We pulled teasers until dark
as the “Dragin Fly” plowed along at 9 knots heading out to sea. We ate dinner
at 7:00 pm and were in bed by 8:00 pm.
June 25, 2019:
We awoke at 4:55 to the smell of fresh
brewed Costa Rican coffee and breakfast cooking. We cleaned up and by 5:20 am
we had the teasers out, we were fly-fishing for Blue Marlin on a FAD, 115 miles
at sea. At 7:30 am, after not raising any marlin, we began trolling southwest
along a ridge line toward another FAD about 7 miles away. At 9:01 we raised a
fish but no bite, stayed at this FAD, no other boats, for 45 minutes then began
trolling our teasers southeast along a ridge line toward a FAD 38 miles away.
At 11:59 we raised a big blue marlin; I made the cast and that fish ate it at
full speed. The marlin went deep and kept taking line for almost a minute, when
he jumped 250 yards away, he went 15 foot in the air and upon re-entry broke
the 20-pound class tippet and was gone. At 12:14 pm Danny hooked a red hot, Blue
Marlin, his fish stayed on top, kept jumping and again broke the class tippet
far away from the boat. Raised a marlin at 12:50 that would not bite. At 1:17
we raised another Blue Marlin, it teased in but would not eat our fly. Then at
1:38 we raised a double, a marlin and a sailfish, the sailfish ate my fly and
then we tried for Danny to hook the Blue. After a minute or two the marlin
left, and we chased the sailfish, then the sailfish went crazy jumping and
dislodged the hook and I lost him. Feeling snake bit . The
next fish to come up was a Blue Marlin at 3:02 pm, it swam around the fly long
enough for me to re-cast 5 times however would not touch my fly. We raised two
more Blues in the next 15 minutes, but they again would not eat, getting
frustrating, changed to a Blue fly and changed hats, see what happens. At 4:42
we raised a Blue which teased halfway to the boat, Danny made a good cast, but
that fish faded away with little interest. All day today the wind was under 10
knots, the seas were calm with a 3-foot swell twenty seconds apart, with blue
skies, no clouds and bright sunshine. The water temperature was 84.5 degrees
and the air temperature 85 degrees, perfect, beautiful, day, however at 5:00 pm
we have not yet caught a marlin. At 6:02 pm we are experiencing the most
awesome sunset 150 miles offshore from Costa Rica, still fishing until we can’t
see the teasers. Tonight, Bernie prepared from scratch a delicious tomato
based, meat sauce for our linguine, served with garlic bread. Went to bed in
calm seas at 8:00pm, today’s score was 9 Blue Marlin and 2 Sailfish raised, 3
bites, and no fish caught, (tough day) better Tomorrow!

26, 2019:
Danny Cline and I woke up at 4:50 am to
the engines starting up to pull the sea anchor. Bernie already had coffee
brewing and eggs cooking as we deployed the teasers at 5:15 am. At 7:05 a
red-hot Blue Marlin came up on the left long teaser, Danny made a good cast and
that marlin climbed all over the fly. Danny fought that marlin valiantly for 43
minutes on IGFA 20-pound class tippet, before catching it at 7:48 am. Berto
grabbed that marlin, removed the hook & fly, then released a magnificent
150-pound Blue Marlin, our first of this trip and first of today. At 10:02 we
broke out the TFO Axiom, 10 weight fly rod, rigged with a TFO #3 Atoll, fly
reel, and a TFO WF-10-F fly line by Cortland, with a 12 pound IGFA class tippet
and a chartreuse/ white Clouser minnow fly. James put the “Dragin Fly” directly
over the FAD so I made a 40-foot cast. Bam a 4-pound yellowfin tuna was caught;
Danny Cline was next, and we rotated with each tuna until we had 8 for sashimi
and fresh tuna for lunch. Danny, on his last cast hooked and landed a 3-pound
fish, called Bonita (locally) or Albie in NC, anyway by 10:20 am Danny has
landed a 150-pound Blue Marlin, a Yellowfin Tuna, and an Albie, on fly using
all IGFA rules and class tippet. Maybe some kind of slam? We
continued to fish this location until 11:30 am, lots of bait and marlin on the
machine but they would not rise. We began to troll to a new sea mount about 40
miles away so we fished the ridge then would run fast as we crossed the canyon
to this new FAD, hopefully they will be more aggressive. We found a floating
log at 2:50pm circled it and found lots of Dorado, a red hot 250-270 Blue
charged in and ate Danny’s fly at 3:01, forty-two minutes later Danny Cline
landed his second marlin of the day. After the release we proceeded to catch 3
nice dorado on fly, they were between 10 and 20 pounds each. The next Blue
Marlin we raised was a smaller one, it ran down 50 feet and shook its heat, the
hook came out at 4:10 pm. At 4:20 while Danny was resting, I hooked a
250-300-pound Blue Marlin, it was a hot fish and stayed up doing a lot of
jumps. We chased it and I got within 10 foot of the leader then it went down.
After15 minutes more it came up jumping, again I wound several hundred yards of
backing and running line onto my #9700 Mako fly reel and was pumping and
winding while James backed down. We were 10 foot from the leader, the big
marlin was lit up on the surface, and as I closed that distance to the catch,
the marlin surged and I watched the 20-pound leader break, my big marlin was
gone at 5:00 pm. I was tired and weak, but my back held up fine. At 6:25 pm it got too dark to see our
teasers, so we stopped fishing, deployed the sea anchor, and took our showers.
Dinner tonight is grilled ribeye steaks with garlic mashed potatoes and mixed
vegetables, excellent meal. At 8:00 pm we went to sleep! Today’s score was 4
Blue Marlin and a Striped raised, all 4 Blues ate our fly, we pulled the hook
on one, broke off a big one, Danny Cline caught and released 2 awesome Blues.
We each caught several nice sized Dorado and small yellowfin tuna on fly also.

27, 2019:
Again, we woke up to calm seas, as Captain
James fired up the engines at 4:45 am. The coffee was brewed, and breakfast was
cooking. We deployed the teasers at 5:20 am and began our third and final day
of fly fishing for Blue Marlin. Bernie served English muffins toasted with fried
ham, scrambled eggs and cheese with a side of local link sausage. We raised our
first marlin at 7:24 am, it teased in fast and ate Danny’s well placed, fly.
That fish went 30 feet and the fly came out, it circled around and followed the
fly but lost interest and faded away. Today the weather is changing with dark
clouds approaching from the east, air temperature is 78 degrees the wind is
from the southwest at 10 knots. It is now 10:00 am, we have not seen a fish
since 7:30, it is pouring rain for the last 30 minutes, we are marking bait
& Marlin on the machine, but they will not come up for our teasers. Our
next fish that came up was a Sailfish at 10:45, it ate Danny’s fly, but the
hook came out with only one pound of drag. At 11:50 am a red hot 300 + pound
marlin skyrocketed as it ate Danny’s fly, great jumps for 300 yards before the
hook came out. As Danny wound the fly back in a small Bonita ate it and Danny
landed a one-pound Bonita, on a marlin fly, the fly was longer than the fish!
At 12:05 we raised another Blue, it would
not tease in. At 12:30 Danny hooked a nice blue that jumped over 40
times, he got really close to that fish 3 times and then at 1:44 pm Danny Cline
landed that awesome 200-hundred-pound blue marlin.
At 2:19 pm while Danny was resting, we
raised a Blue Marlin of 130 pounds, I cast my fly to the fish and it ate the
fly and took off at warp speed, gray-hounding as it peeled off backing. I wound
the leader into the rod tip at 2:28 pm then 2 minutes later Berto removed the
fly and released my awesome marlin. At 3:50 we raised a Blue Marlin that did
not bite. At 6:15 it got too dark to see the teasers, so we quit and started
our 12-hour trip back to Los Suenos. Beautiful weather since the storm passed
early this afternoon, clear and calm for the ride home. Our score today was 6
Blue Marlin raised, 4 bites, with 2 caught & released.
The total trip score was 20 Blue Marlin
raised, 12 bites, we caught & released 4 awesome Blue Marlin, plus we
missed 2 out of 3 sailfish, raised a striped marlin, which did not eat, caught
3 Dorado and 6 Yellowfin Tuna, all on fly. We had a great trip, Danny will
be back in about a month to do it again. I love My
Job! Stay tuned for more fly-fishing reports coming soon.
Jake Jordan’s Fishing Adventures
PO Box 309
Havelock, NC 28532
Jake Jordan first blue marlin on the fly seamount trip 2019
Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing School Report June
17–23, 2019
Greetings from Los Suenos Costa Rica:
June 18, 2019: Welcome to my first "Costa Rica Blue
Marlin Fly Fishing School" of 2019. I am again in my condo for the 6th
year in the Los Suenos Resort, where we will be fly fishing at least ten, 3 day
trips from Monday to Friday during the summer months aboard George and Anna
Beckwith's Maverick vessel, "Dragin Fly" with Captain James Smith
along with his mates Berto and Bernie. My first student/client team is Bill and
Nikki Wilson from Texas. After a easy morning in the pool, a good breakfast,
and some touring, we boarded "Dragin Fly"and left the marina at Los
Suenos about 3:00 pm heading out into the pacific ocean toward a FAD which
would take all night to arrive by the time it got light the next day. By 8:00
PM we were sleeping in the air conditioned cabins so we would be ready for the
next three days of thirteen hours of fly fishing for Blue Marlin.

June 19, 2019,
Bill and Nikki Wilson began my “Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly fishing School”
aboard the vessel “Dragin Fly” out of Los Suenos Costa Rica. We woke up at 5:00
am and ate Bernie's home made sausage, egg, & cheese McMuffin and good
Costa Rican coffee. We arrived at Fad #130 at 6:40am and Nikki hooked first
Blue at 7:01, it went , straight down and pulled the hook 6 minutes later. We
raised a Blue at 7:30 which Bill cast to, it did not eat. At, 9:30 am we have
raised 2 Blue Marlin with one bite and it slowed down. Cloudy skies, 80 degree
air temperature with 84.5 water temperature with a 2-3 foot chop. Only one
other boat on this FAD, the sun is coming out, marking fish around fad. We got
out a 10 weight rod at 10:00 am, pulled up to the fad, and Nikki proceeded to
catch 4 yellowfin tuna on 4 casts we got lunch.At 11:02 am we raised a hot
marlin which came in close, Bill made several good casts but we could not get
that marlin to switch and eat the fly. At 12:30 James decided to move SW down a
ridge line, past 2 other FADs to a new location 40 miles away. At 2:30 we
haven’t seen a fish in the last 3 1/2 hours. At 4:55 Bill cast to a 150 pound
Blue Which inhaled the fly and fought for 24 minutes before winding the
leader into the Rod tip then at 5:26 Berto grabbed the bill of that marlin,
took pictures , removed the hook and then released our first Blue Marlin of the
day. At 6:30 pm we stopped fishing and deployed our sea anchor. Dinner was pork
chops, rice and beans,with a salad and a Flor de Cana rum for desert, went to
bed at 8:00 pm. Today's score: 4 raised/2 bites/1 Blue Marlin caught &

June 20, 2019:
We woke up at 5:00 am to the smell of hot Costa Rican coffee with eggs and
bacon cooking. We started fishing at 5:30 am, James was marking bait and lots
of marlin, however we could not get them to chase our teasers. At 8:30 am we
left that fad and trolled down a ridge line toward a different FAD. At 9:32 we
raised a red hot 150 pound Blue Marlin which charged in and ate Nikki Wilson’s
well placed pink and white marlin tube fly. That marlin jumped over 30 times,
went crazy and took out 250 yards of Cortland braid backing, at 9:49 am Nikki
wound that marlin in and Berto grabbed the leader, got back my fly and then
released that awesome fish. At 10:40 we headed down a ridge to another FAD and
at 1:20 we raised a marlin, Bill Wilson made several good casts but that fish
just swam away. Then at 1:35 Bill hooked a 200 pound Blue Marlin, it jumped
twice, then stopped and tried to shake the hook out, after which it jumped
going the other way and broke the 20 pound IGFA class tippet. We raised a 250
pound marlin at 5:01 pm, Nikki made a perfect cast and that fish headed away
jumping at full speed. She fought that marlin for nine minutes and over 25
jumps, as the fish jumped the last time while charging the boat I saw the hook
fall out. Dinner tonight is fresh shrimp in a cream sauce over linguine with
garlic toast with Ice Cream for desert after a couple cocktails we went to bed
at 8:00. Today our score was: 6 raised, 3 bites, and 1 Blue Marlin caught and

June, 21,
2019. We woke up at 5:00 am and as everyone was getting ready for breakfast we
raised a hot blue marlin. At 5:31 Bill Wilson made a great cast, using one of
his Mako Reels, filled with Cortland braided backing and a Cortland marlin
line, TFO BW-HD fly rod, and one of my pink and white marlin tube fly, and that
marlin ate it instantly. Only 16 minutes later Bill caught that marlin on IGFA
20 pound class tippet, our first of the day. At 5:50 am a hot 200 pound fish
came in on the long teaser, Nikki made a great presentation and the fish
gobbled that pink fly and headed away at high speed. At 7:01 Nikki caught that
awesome 200 + pound marlin, and all of the sudden we were 2 for 2 by 7:01 am
for today. After breakfast, at 8:24 Bill hooked a marlin which pulled the hook
after 3 minutes, then at 8:32 we raised a big Blue Marlin, Bill cast to and
hooked a 200 pounder which took less than 25 minutes to catch and release, then
at 9:15 Nikki hooked a hot fish that got out 200 yards, then went deep. As her
marlin swam to the surface and jumped we saw the 20 pound class tippet part and
her fish was gone. At 10:01 we raised a Blue marlin that did not bite. Our next
fish was at 12:55, Nikki hooked this 175 pound speedster, this Blue marlin
Jumped a lot and fought hard for 29 minutes. She put the leader inside of the
tip top and Berto wired, got the fly back, and released our fourth Blue Marlin
of the day. At 1:59 pm Bill hooked a hot marlin, big one over 250 pounds, it
began jumping instantly and then jumped over the long teaser which was being
retrieved, the fly line tangled with the teaser and as that marlin jumped
toward our boat, the hook and fly fell out of its mouth, it was gone. At 2:15
we raised a marlin but it never teased in for a cast. Nikki hooked a marlin at
4:30 but the hook fell out 9 minutes later. Then at 5:55 pm we raised a 200
pound Blue, Bill hooked that fish and wound catching our fifth marlin of the
day under the lights as it got dark. Our score today was 11 Blue marlin raised,
8 bit the fly, while we caught and released 5, all using IGFA 20 pound class
tippet on fly. We had chicken, rice & beans for dinner, Bill and I had Flor
de Cana rum and coke while Nikki had gin and tonic to celebrate the good trip
and our new friendship, we went to sleep at 8:30 pm Awesome day!!!

June 22, 2019,
We arrived back at the Los Suenos Resort Marina at 7:00 am and
moved back into my condo, took a nap, swam in the poll and caught up on
phone calls, e-mail, and text. We enjoyed a great meal at Lanterna restaurant
here inside the resort and went to bed early. Bill and Nikki left at 4:00 am
and will be home on their ranch in Texas, early this afternoon. A very special
fun beginning to my summer here in Costa Rica. During this fly fishing trip for
Blue marlin, we raised 21, had 13 bites, Nikki and Bill Wilson caught and
released 7 awesome Blue Marlin all while using IGFA fly fishing rules and 20
pound test class tippet. I Love my Job, stay tuned for more fly fishing reports
to follow shortly. We still have available for 2 FAD trips here in CR aboard
"Dragin Fly" during late August and early September, contact me at
305-872-6060 if you are interested in the best Blue Marlin fishing in the
Jake Jordan's
Fishing Adventures
PO Box 309.
Havelock NC, 28532