Aug. 21
Hi Jake,
I want to thank you so
much for putting together what was the Best Fly Fishing Trip Ever for me!
Your Pacific Blue Marlin Fly Fishing School was a truly eye opening
experience for me. From being picked up at the San Jose airport to the great
accommodations at Los Suenos, the great charter boat we fished from for
three great days of world class blue water fly fishing, the fabulous, friendly,
highly skilled boat crew and captain, to your incredibly in-depth knowledge of
the fishery, gear and tactics. I learned so much about true big game fly
fishing. Fly fishing for Pacific Blue Marlin proved to be the most
challenging / demanding fly fishing I have ever experienced. The Marlin
are smashing the fly just thirty feet or less from where I was standing at the
back of the boat. The Marlin strike is the most jaw dropping experience I
have ever witnessed in fly fishing. Very exciting. The power of
these magnificent fish is really something to behold, up close and personal. In
the three day trip we had 48 Blue Marlin come in to the teaser pattern.
We hooked up to 13 of those Marlin and landed and released 5 of
those Marlin. We also landed and released the one Sailfish that came
around. It can be done. You too can catch a Pacific Blue Marlin on fly
and 20 lb class tippet. I would definitely call this a trip of a life
time except that now that I have done it once, I need to do it again.
Very exciting, very challenging trip. Thank you Jake. Best fly
fishing trip ever!
CR Blue
Marlin Fly Fishing School
6, to 12, 2017
August, 6, 2017: Today my friend David Taylor ( owner of
Alaska, "Reel Wilderness Adventures" in the Bristol Bay region)
arrived here in Los Suenos Costa Rica, after a safe trip from his home in
Washington state. Gary is here to catch his first Blue Marlin on Fly, on 20
pound test IGFA class tippet. David and I have been friends since the 1990's
and he has been planning this trip for many years. He is a fly fisherman but
has never caught a Billfish on fly. Now I have been really sick with what
started as a cold virus that turned into a sinus infection, then to a upper
repertory infection and then to bronchitis. A couple days ago my blood pressure was
very high and I needed rest and medical care which I received here in
CR. I gave David a 4 hour course in everything I know about catching
Billfish on Fly, and pre paired him for what was going to happen on his trip.

August 7, 2017, spent most of the day being treated at the medical
facility then took David down to the marina, at about 3:00 PM. Captain James
Smith with mates Berto and Roberto had the "Dragin Fly" running and
ready to go, they headed out and I went home to bed. They ran through choppy
weather and some rain, went to sleep at 8:00 pm to rest for first day of
"The Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing School".

August 8, 2017 After breakfast and coffee, the teasers were
deployed at 5:15 AM, and the first Blue Marlin raised was at 6:28 am, it did
not bite. After a couple of raise fish and one big fish fought for over 1 hour,
then broke off, then at 8:00, a 250 + pound blue marlin pounced on
my CS. pink and white tube fly, and was off to the races. David
remembered his instruction and with my TFO Blue Water Heavy Duty Fly-Rod,
and #9700 B Mako Fly-Reel, rigged with RIO Leviathan Fly Line, with 20 pound
test IGFA class tippet, caught and released his first Blue Marlin, (first
billfish) ever, it took 1 hour and five minutes. Congratulations to David and
my awesome crew aboard "Dragin Fly". At 9:21 am David Taylor made a
cast to another hot blue marlin, another big, (over 200 pound)
marlin. This fish was tough and fought hard for close to an hour, "I
wanted to quit but could not give up" "I was exhausted, every part of
my body hurt" said David, "then I remembered your
instructions; take a deep breath, then loosen your grip, totally
relax" with his second wind David caught and released his second Blue
Marlin on fly of his lifetime! After that they raised a bunch of fish several
over 400 pounds, Dave missed a few and was really tired, he asked Berto if he
would catch one to help him see what was happening while the fish was hooked
up. The next Blue Marlin to come up looked to be about 200 pounds, Berto made
the cast and hooked this awesome fish. Twenty minutes later Berto caught and
released this magnificent Blue marlin on fly. The fish were hick but
stopped biting around 3 pm, David broke off a hot blue at 5:10 pm, then
they deployed the sea anchor and celebrated catching three blue Marlin on fly
on the first day out. The score after a day of "The Costa Rica Blue Marlin
Fly-Fishing School" was 19 Blue Marlin raised, 8 Blue Marlin bites,
with 3 Blue Marlin caught and released.

August 9, 2017: Team awoke at 5:00 am and pulled the seaanchor then while eating sausage with eggs and fresh Costa Rican coffee, the
teasers were deployed. David's comment "I feel old" he said when
describing this trip, raised several marlin before 7:30 but none stayed on the
line. Then at 7:45 David Taylor (Fly Angler) made a good cast, then he hooked a
270 pound Blue Marlin. About 55 minutes later David caught the fourth blue
marlin of the trip, "WOW" was his comment. At 8:55 am
David hooked a 400 + pound blue marlin on 20 pound IGFA class tippet, that
fish never stopped jumping and when it was 300 yards away the fish turned on
the power and the tippet broke while the fish was in mid air, "Holy Sh**,
did you see that?" "WOW"!!! The weather is beautiful and calm
today, around 10:25 David hooked and fought a 300+ pound blue marlin, and
within 40 minutes he wound the leader through the tip top, and caught the fifth
Blue Marlin of the trip. several more raised fish then at 5:40 pm David was
fighting a 400 pound Blue Marlin when the hook came out, Dave said "
Enough for today, I am done". They quit fishing and deployed the sea
anchor, had a great dinner and went to sleep. The score fro today was 20 Blue
Marlin Raised, 5 Blue Marlin bites, 2 Blue Marlin caught and released on 20
pound IGFA class tippet, "Lots of big Marlin around!

August 10, 2017: Woke up at 5:00 am, started fishing at 5:30 am
but fishing was slow, pretty choppy at the FAD. Raised a couple of marlin but
they were shy and would not tease in for a bite, David said he wanted to catch
his first Sailfish in fly so after a couple of hours James headed inshore to
look for a sailfish for David. At about noon, David hooked his first ever
Sailfish on fly, and 20 minutes later he released that 90 pound sailfish. Now
James was looking for Striped or Black Marlin for Dave, after raising a
couple of finicky marlin which would not bite, they chose to try to get
back to Los Suenos marina close to dark. At 6:00 the Dragin Fly arrived back at
the marina at Los Suenos, I was at the dock to congratulate David and the crew
for another awesome "Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing
School" . Today's score was 5 Blue Marlin and 1 Sailfish Raised, 1
Sailfish Bite, and 1 Sailfish caught and released on 20 pound test IGFA class
tippet on the fly.
August 11, 2017: Typing this report, still at 80 percent health
wise, blood pressure 120 over 80, breathing good, still have nagging cough,
great medical care her at Los Suenos resort in Costa Rica. The final score
for this (short 2 1/2 day) "Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing
School" was; 44 Blue Marlin and 1 Sailfish raised, 13 Blue Marlin and 1
Sailfish bites, 5 Blue Marlin and 1 Sailfish caught and released,
all on 20 pound test IGFA class tippet on the fly. Stay tuned for more reports
from my Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing Schools. I Love my job, wish
you were here. #tforods #makoreels #BFF.
Jake Jordan's Fishing Adventures
PO Box 309
Havelock NC. 28532
Home/Office 252-444-3308
Cell/work 305-872-6060
August Seamount trip with Jake
CR Blue
Marlin Fly Fishing School
July 30 to
August 5, 2017
July 30, 2017: Yesterday my friend Gary Caputi arrived her in Los
Suenos Costa Rica, after a safe trip from his home in New Jersey. Gary is here
to catch his first Blue Marlin on Fly on 20 pound test IGFA class tippet. While
here he is doing photography for an article he is writing for a major angling
magazine about the latest techniques for catching Blue Marlin on fly. After an
in depth interview, we had a great dinner at the in “Marina Village” then after
I soaked my back in my Jacuzzi (Hot Tub) I went to bed.
Today, July 30 my friend and fellow TFO National Advisory Board
member Wanda Hair Taylor arrived for her first attempt at catching a Blue
Marlin on fly. We had a great lunch, hung around the pool, and planned out
strategy for the up-coming Costa Rica Blue Marlin School. We had dinner
delivered to the condo drank some wine and Rum, and had a restful evening,

July 31, 2016: Took a swim and sat in Jacuzzi early in the
morning, then cooked breakfast and packed for the trip, After lunch we got
ready and at 2:30 headed down to the marina where Captain James Smith with
Mates Berto and Roberto had “The Dragin Fly” provisioned, running and ready to
head offshore. At 3:00 we left the dock at Los Suenos and headed out and at
3:30 we slowed to a troll and deployed our teasers, while I got my TFO Fly
Rods, Mako Fly Reels, with RIO fly lines, and Cam Sigler tube flies ready to
cast. Partly cloudy with 2 to 3 foot chop relatively calm seas greeted us. We
raised no fish and at 6:15 it got too dark to see so we quit for the day.
Dinner was prepared by James’ wife and it was home-made meat sauce and Roberto
cooked the linguini, then he served us ice cream for dessert, we were asleep at
8:00 at night.
August 1, 2017: We awoke before 5:00 AM to the smell of fresh
brewed Costa Rican coffee along with eggs and bacon cooking. We arrived at Blue
Marlin Destination X #6 (BM-X-#6) at 5:15 am with teasers deployed. At 7:10 am
we raised our first blue marlin, a lit up 125 pound fish which came up on the
long rigger. Wanda was ready, she picked up the TFO Blue-Water HD fly rod, made
a perfect cast with the JJ pink and white popper fly, and hooked that marlin.
Now you know, that this is Wanda’s first marlin ever, now she is fighting it
like a pro, while using 20 pound IGFA class tippet. After a 26 minute battle
where that marlin jumped at least 30 times, Wanda wound the leader inside of
the rod tip and caught her first of many to come Blue Marlin on fly. Berto got
the fly back out of that marlins mouth and released the awesome fish at 7:45 to
grow and be caught again. Congratulations to Wanda “Blue Marlin on fly” Taylor.
We raised 2 more fish that did not eat and then at 8:20 I hooked a big
blue marlin of over 250 pounds, which was a really tough fish. This marlin ran
and jumped a lot, before sounding and giving me a 30 minute tug of war, just
guessing this fish may have jumped several dozen times before we backed down to
within 3 foot of getting the leader for a release. As I stretched out to get
the leader the big blue marlin, jumped and broke the 20 pound class tippet, we
got the fly back and then that awesome fish was gone. At 10:28 Gary
decided to go down below to use the
head, just then a 300 + pound blue marlin ate my well placed fly, was still hurting from that last fish, but
this fish was much bigger. After a 25 minute battle and my exhaustion I made a
mistake, that marlin jumped and at 11:01 the class tippet broke when the fish
was 10 foot from the boat. Awesome marlin, I am really weak and tired. 11:05 AM
when Gary hooked a 150 pound blue marlin which ran around jumped a lot then
spit the fly and hook back at us at 11:12 AM.
Then at 11:15 Wanda hooked another blue marlin that ran out 200 yards
and broke the tippet. At 12:40 Gary hooked a hot 175 pound blue marlin, after
several shots at that fish, it went deep and stayed down for 45 minutes and
then at 1:50 the hooks pulled and we got the fly back. At 2:15 we raised a hot
marlin, Wanda made a good cast but that marlin would not eat her fly. Since
9:30 am the seas and wind laid down to dead calm, with sun shine and very hot
weather, what a beautiful day with lots of marlin around. Between 2:30 and 4:00
pm we raised 5 more marlin; they would come close but not eat the fly. As it
gets dark today at 6:30 we pulled in our teasers and deployed the sea anchor.
Dinner was served at 7:00 PM which was Salad, Beans and rice along with a
coconut chicken which was really good. Everyone is tired and ready for a night
sleep as we discussed the awesome day of fly fishing for blue marlin which we
just had. Today we raised 19 blue marlin; got 7 to bite our flies and Wanda
Hair Taylor caught and released her first Blue Marlin on Fly. 8:00 PM everyone
on boat is asleep except lookout.

August 2, 2017: 5:00 AM we pulled the sea anchor and deployed the
teasers. While we were eating breakfast a 150 pound red hot Blue Marlin came
charging in on the flat line, I ran outside made the cast, and that marlin
gobbled my fly. So as the sun came up at 5:26 I was fighting the first fish of
the day, at 5:41 we released that marlin and recovered the fly from my awesome
marlin, (my 55th lifetime blue marlin on fly). At 5:54 am TFOs Wanda
Hair Taylor cast to a hot Blue Marlin, the fish jumped all over her fly and
then ran out 200 yards, shook its head, and broke the 20 pound tippet. Two Blue
marlin bites before 6:00 AM, sunny, calm, and hot. Next Gary Caputi pulled the
hooks on a 130 pound Blue marlin at 6:25. Wanda fought a sailfish and broke it
off with the line around the handle, and then at 7:20 Gary hooked and fought
another nice blue which went deep and broke the tippet. At 7:30 Wanda missed a
sailfish, and then during the next half hour we raised 4 more marlin which
didn’t eat. At 8:15 am my fluffy blond
friend Wanda Hair Taylor, our TFO super star, made a perfect cast to a big Blue
Marlin (250 to 300 pounds). That big fish ate Wanda’s pink and white tube fly
and the battle was on. The smooth drag on the Mako reel fed off a couple
hundred yards of backing as that great fish jumped several dozen times, Wanda
leaned hard on that TFO Blue-Water HD Fly Rod and turned that fish that
weighted twice what Wanda weighs. After a 22 minute battle where both the fish
and the angler were tired, Wanda wound the leader through the tip top of the
fly reel and caught a Pacific Blue Marlin which was almost three times the size
of the 90 pound current ladies world record IGFA 20pound tippet class. During
the next 40 minutes we raised a bunch more marlin, Gary Caputi having some bad
luck hooked and fought 3 in a row, broke 2 off on the jump and pulled the hook
on one. At 9:30 we raised five at one time, but none ate the fly. Then a 9:45
Gary broke off another one, a fish of over 300 pounds. Next at 10:01 I hooked a
big blue that ran out several hundred yards then after 9 consecutive jumps the
20 pound tippet broke. So between 5:15 am and 10:00 AM we have raised 17 blue
marlin, nine of them ate the fly, of which we caught two Blue Marlin on fly in
the first 5 hours of our 13 hour day. At 10:15 Gary hooked a 250 pound blue
marlin, he had it on for 7 minutes that fish went really deep and broke off. At
10:25 we raised a blue marlin that did not eat. 20 blue marlin and 2 sailfish
raised in 5 hours. I lost track but we missed a few more, I fought a fish for ½
hour that broke off with 300 yards of backing going straight down. As of 1:30
today we have raised 26 awesome Blue marlin and 3 sailfish, we have had 11
bites and we caught 2 Blue Marlin on fly. These big blue marlin today are very
aggressive and eat the fly really good that said they may be the toughest and
meanest marlin that I have ever fly fished for. Only 5 hours of fly fishing for
blue marlin left today. At 2:04 Gary Caputi made a great cast and hooked a nice
150 pound Blue Marlin, this was an awesome fighting fish that never jumped
until 2:41, and then five minutes later Gary caught that (his first) Blue
Marlin on fly. Fishing has slowed down late in the afternoon on this sunny calm
day, as of 6:00 pm right at sunset, we have raised 29 blue marlin and 3
sailfish today, we had 13 Blue Marlin and 3 sailfish eat our flies, and caught
3 Blue Marlin on 20 pound IGFA class tippet on the fly. This was one of the
most exciting days of fly fishing for these awesome fish which I have had in my
career. Dinner is cooking while we are showering, WOW! Sound asleep by 7:30

August 3, 2017: We awoke before 5:00 am well rested and ready to
catch some Blue Marlin on fly. The crew
pulled the sea anchor and then deployed the teasers as I got the fly tackle
ready for another day of catching Blue Marlin on fly. Roberto served breakfast
and coffee as we trolled back toward BM-X-#6 to look for Blue Marlin. The
sausage, eggs, and toast with fresh brewed coffee was great, however at 5:40 we
raised our first blue marlin, did not eat Wanda’s fly. We raised two more at
6:05 and 6:31 am they lost interest and did not eat the fly. At 6:49 Wanda
hooked a 200 pound blue marlin, she fought it for 7 minutes and after 13 humps
she got to within 40 foot of that marlin. After that the marlin took off in
high gear jumped and broke the 20 pound IGFA class tippet (Gone). Raised
another blue at 6:58 did not eat. At 7:15 Gary Caputi hooked a 270 pound blue
marlin, this fish put on an exciting jumping show, all on video, after 42
minutes we released our fifth Blue marlin of the trip and our first of the day
and Gary’s second in his lifetime. At 8:21 I cast to a hot Blue Marlin that
came in fast on the long teaser, the fish gobbled my Cam Sigler big marlin tube
fly and was off to the races. We got some great video and photos of this 175
pound beauty, and then 17 minutes later I wound that fish on and got the
leader. Roberto leadered the marlin for pictures and got 9 more jumps while
holding the leader, after which he got the fly back and released our sixth Blue
Marlin of the trip at 8:46 am. Fishing slowed and by 10:00 am we had not raised
a marlin in over an hour, Gary was not feeling well, while I am recovering from
a bad cold, We are 130 miles from the marina so I suggested to James that we
should cut the trip short, check out several other areas where there are sea
mounts and FADS on the way in to Los Suenos. So we trolled slowly toward some
inshore locations where there may be some marlin looking for flies. At 12:44
after eating a couple of Yellow-Fin tuna tacos, we raised a 90 pound sailfish,
I made a decent cast and then three minutes later I caught and released that
awesome sailfish. Shortly later Captain James put the boat on a plane and
headed to the dock, we arrived at Los Suenos at 6:00 PM this evening. Today we
raised 12 Blue Marlin and 3 sailfish during the first 5 hours of fly-fishing,
we got 3 Blue Marlin and 2 sailfish to bite the fly, our total for the short
day we caught and released 2 Blue Marlin and a sailfish.

During this short two and a half day Blue Marlin Fly-Fishing
School trip aboard the vessel “Dragin Fly” our total score was 58 Blue Marlin
and six Sailfish raised, 23 Blue Marlin and four Sailfish bit our flies, as a
team we caught and released six Blue Marlin and a Sailfish in 2 ½ days of fly fishing
while using 20 pound test IGFA class tippet. Our percentage was that we caught
and released was 25 percent of the blue marlin that ate our flies. Thanks to
George and Anna Beckwith (owners of “Dragin Fly” and “Down East Guide Service”)
and my awesome partners in this venture where we take anglers and teach them
successfully how to catch the APEX predator (BLUE MARLIN) on IGFA Class fly
fishing tackle by using 20 pound or lighter breaking strength line. Also my
thanks to Captain James Smith, along with mates Berto and Roberto, are in my
opinion one of the best fly fishing big game, charter fishing, crews in the
world. Thanks to my pal Gary Caputi for making this trip to photograph and
document this trip while also catching his first and second Blue Marlin on fly
in his lifetime. My friend Wanda Hair
Taylor, who had dreamed about catching one of these Awesome Blur Marlin on Fly
using all IGFA rules and tackle, “You Did It Girl” Congratulations on catching
two awesome Big Blue Marlin on Fly! Another Costa Rica Blue Marlin Fly Fishing
Schools is now over, I love my Job, wish you were here. Stay tuned as we head
back out on Monday for another of my schools. #tforods, #Makoreels, #BFF.
Jake Jordan's Fishing Adventures
PO Box 309
Havelock NC. 28532
Home/Office 252-444-3308
Cell/work 305-872-6060